Here’s our database of all available diversity data (in a startup context) - it is and will always be accessible and available for everyone in our community. Every data point is accompanied by a source link for further reading. Enjoy!
If you come across any diversity-related data that is not yet included, please share it with us in an email to [email protected].
<aside> 💡 Disclaimer: The diversity data here is a bit like finding treasures in a vast sea - some parts are well-charted, others not so much. Keep in mind there might be gaps, like missing puzzle pieces. So, do your own research and enjoy the insights we've found.
<aside> 💡 A friendly reminder on inclusive language for events:
In many Danish startups, it's common to see seasonal gatherings named after Christian holidays - for example, "Christmas lunch" or "Easter lunch." While traditions are wonderful, it's worth remembering that not everyone in your team or community shares the same cultural or religious background.
Consider choosing more inclusive names like "winter celebration," "spring gathering," or "end-of-year party." It's a simple change that signals openness and belonging - and helps ensure everyone feels welcome. Small details can make a big difference.
Click on each toggle (▶︎) to unfold the wisdom.
<aside> 💡 As we acknowledge the gaps in our data, this document stands as a starting point for understanding the significance of diversity. We hope it encourages continued discussions and new initiatives in the startup ecosystem.